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Spring is in the Air!

Spring has sprung, so I thought I would send a gentle reminder to start clearing your clutter and giving your home some extra TLC!

Every little bit you move out, gives you better energy flow in your home. While clearing clutter isn’t traditional Feng Shui, if your house is cluttered and in need of a spring clean, it would be very difficult for energy to flow and for great Feng Shui to exist in your home!

Remember clutter comes in many forms; overflowing washing (clean or dirty) piles of dishes on the sink, dust, clothes that a no longer or have never been worn, dirty floors, overgrown gardens, pantries, fridge’s with food that is out of date just to name a few. Don't get me wrong, life gets busy and sometimes things do pile up, but it is important to get back on top of it before it becomes all too much and starts effecting your day to day life.

Unfortunately people caught in clutter usually have obstacles and irritations that occur regularly in their life. They find it hard to think clearly and feel extremely overwhelmed. When you are feeling like that, I totally understand the thought of starting is often put in the too hard basket. But trust me just by starting you will begin to feel the difference of the energy in your home. It will start to feel lighter and brighter and you will probably have more good days than bad.

You could even make some extra cash on MarketPlace or a donation centre would be very grateful!

If you have invested in a Feng Shui consultation with me, you have a written guide that will help turn your house into a warm, happy & healthy home, but if it is cluttered you are not going to feel the benefits until your home is organised.

Set yourself a goal and bit by bit you will see and feel your house transforming into a beautiful home that you will want to spend time in! If you are finding it all a bit too much, there are also professional organisers out there than can help you get started.

I hope this has given you a little prod to get you into action.

Dee x


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