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Are You About to Embark on a Renovation & Living in the Space While You Do?

If you are, please read this first as timing is everything!

What does this mean? Well, each year there are annual energy changes and certain sectors should not be disturbed by ripping out walls, kitchens, bathrooms, using noisy power tools, hammers or earthworks like digging in a pool.

I mentioned this in a blog I posted in June last year, but just wanted to remind you how important this really is. These energies are unseen, but once disturbed have the potential to cause problems. This manifests differently for everyone, but can be illness (generally the illness depends on what sector of the home is disturbed), loss of income, constant obstacles during the renovation and even relationship issues.

As a personal example before I was a professional Feng Shui consultant, Sue my gorgeous Feng Shui lady at the time strongly advised us against digging the backyard up for a pool that year. We really didn't understand how was that going to be an issue, so we decided to go ahead because we wanted the pool in before summer!! Unfortunately what happened not long after that was my husband at the time ended up with a perforated bowel. Thankfully he made a full recovery, but he was very ill and off of work for many months. So since that day I have taken these energies very seriously!

The areas to avoid until the 10th February 2024 next year are:

  • East - Grand Duke & Illness Star = illness & mishaps

  • Northwest - 5 Yellow Star = obstacles, delays, frustrations & loss of finances

  • West - Sui Po & Three Killings = litigations, gossip, theft & arguments

If it is something that can’t wait and is quite urgent, for example you have a shower or roof leak, a Feng Shui consultant can help you with an auspicious date for you to start the project and help reduce any negative effects.

During the planning stages it is also the perfect opportunity to engage with me to ensure that all of the appliances, doorways and bathrooms are positioned in an area that will help activate energy that encourages, health, career, promotion, study & unexpected windfall luck.

So, before you start knocking down walls, and digging up the yard, check what sector it falls into to avoid any mishaps. If you are unsure and would like further information on how to identify the sectors, please feel free to either email me at: or call on 0402 019 866.

Side Note: If you are moving out during the renovation, then there is no issue to steam ahead. Although it is always recommended to consult with a professional Feng Shui consultant beforehand, so they can guide you with auspicious start dates.

If it is not an emergency, PLEASE WAIT. I know, I know you are excited to get started, but please trust me on this one. It will be worth not only the wait, but your health, wealth & relationships!

Wishing you health, wealth & happiness!

Dee x


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